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(All Student/Parents of Baludeeh Mahewaganj Branch Kindly Note) Due to Lok Sabha Election, the School Building has been occupied by the District Administration for staying the Central Forces, so the School shall remain closed from 09-05-2024 to 13-05-2024. It will reopen on 14-05-2024 with its usual timing..


(All Student/Parents of Lakhimpur Branch Kindly Note) Due to Lok Sabha Election, the School shall remain closed on 13-05-2024. It will reopen on 14-05-2024 with its usual timing. Lakhimpur Branch.

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Rules and Regulations

Rules For Students:

1-Students are expected to reach school in time.
2-Students come late usually will be sent back to their home.
3-The students must come in complete school uniform on all working days and for all school functions.
4-Students escorted to school by parents or relatives or servants must not leave school before their escorts arrive. In case of delay in the arrival of the escort, the student must report to the school office.
5-Students are not allowed to go home during school hours, In case a student has a special engagement or a medical appointment during class hours, the student must remain absent for the day.
6-Leave of absence must be applied for a day in advance, except in case of emergency. Students absent without prior permission must report to the principal on their return.
7-A minimum of 80% school attendance during the academic year is required for a student to be entitled to sit for the final examination. Strict disciplinary action is liable to be taken for continued irregular attendance, habitual idleness or neglect of studies.
8-Students are expected to take part in extra. Curricular and curricular activities when required to do so by the school.
9-Parents/Guardians are requested not be meet their wards or teacher in the class without prior permission of the principal.
10-Students absent from an examination for any reason will not be reexamined. Students absent from an examination without adequate reason will be considered as having failed in that examination. In case a student has been absent from an examination for medical reasons, a proper medical certificate will have to be produced.
11-One calendar month’s notice in writing must be given by the parent or guardian in case a student is to be withdrawn from school. Otherwise three month’s fee will be charged in lieu these off. No transfer certificate will be issued until all sums due to the school all sums due to the school are paid.
12-The school fees of students must be deposit in time. The fees will be taken in quarters and have to be deposited in prescribed bank on fixed dates.
13-Precious costly items, motor bikes are strictly prohibited in the school campus. The school will not be responsible for the safety and security measures of such things.
14-The school is not providing any conveyance facility and not responsible for it.